Working principle of LCD1602 liquid crystal display module part three
Jan 25, 2024
Write mode
In write mode, the microcontroller sends the ASCII code of the letters, numbers or symbols that need to be displayed to the LCD module, and passes these data to the driver through the pins. The driver converts these data into high and low level signals, thereby establishing an electric field and controlling the alignment of liquid crystal molecules.
Specifically, the driver sends data and instructions to the customized TFT LCD screen through pins. Among them, the RS pin is used to distinguish data and instructions, the RW pin is used to control the read and write mode, and the E pin is used to control the transmission of data.
Display mode
In display mode, the driver converts the data on the LCD screen into visible light according to the arrangement state. The arrangement of liquid crystal molecules determines whether the pixel displays a bright state.
In a liquid crystal display module, liquid crystal molecules are turned on or off in rows or columns to form different pixels. According to the data and instructions sent by the driver, different pixels on the LCD screen can show bright or dark displays through different arrangement states of liquid crystal molecules.
4. Summary
The LCD1602 liquid crystal display module is a commonly used display device that controls the electric field to realize the arrangement of liquid crystal molecules and thereby realize the display of pixels. Through the combination of microcontroller, driver, power supply and connection lines, the LCD module can complete the functions of data writing and display. By understanding the principles of the LCD1602 liquid crystal display module, you can better understand and apply liquid crystal display technology.